Time Efficient Communication

20 Ways Poor Communication Is Wasting Your Time

Time: You can’t borrow it, buy it, or bottle it.  Most everyone wants and needs more of it to get their work done and to enjoy their play. So how...

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Upwards Communication in a Business

Why Don’t People Communicate Up in an Organization?

The CEO and the CFO set in opposite corners of the room. But both stuck their hands into the air just as I called for questions at the end of my...

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Millennials in Professional World

Millennials Who Move Up and Those Who Move On

Let me start with some definitions: By “up,” I’m talking about increasing responsibilities and earning power—either within the same...

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Grammar and Editing Expert

Grammar Goofs Can Be Big Gotchas in Job Interviews, Sales, and Social Circles

I went to college with a guy named Tim, who spoke 7 languages. I don’t know if he ever achieved his goal to work for the United Nations, but...

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Language in the Professional Setting

How Words Affect Your Work

No one would argue with the fact that the tools you use affect the work you do. Ever try to close a business deal when your cell phone keeps...

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How Powerful Can Language Be

The Impact of a Thank You Note

Super salespeople excel at writing thank you notes. That’s why they stay at the top of their game and drive BMWs. But those who don’t live by...

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