Speaking Without Thinking First

Talk First; Think Later: A Growing Communication Trend?

Listening to the media grilling and public outcry after politicians of both parties open their mouths, I often think to myself: “How that’s...

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Sticking to Your Word

Following Up When People Fail to Do What They Say

The client doesn’t return your call. The doctor’s office forgets to call with the test results. A colleague never makes the introduction she...

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Becoming a Better Writer

7 Hacks to Improve Your Writing

Not everyone wants to be a novelist. Most people would settle for writing a text message without the auto-correct feature turning an accurately...

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Communication in the Medical Field

Poor Communication by Doctors Causing Rising Health Care Costs

My sprightly 89-year-old dad had been walking two miles every day until his back began to bother him five months ago. Now, after seeing 3 back...

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Communication Etiquette and Manners

Avoid Communication Insults—Body Blows, No-Shows, Email Bombs, and Cyber-Punks

If you’ve been a victim of these communication insults, then you know a slap upside the head can feel softer than these blows to the heart....

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Why People are Annoying

7 Habits of Highly Obnoxious People

Let’s face it: Some people are off-putting. Unfortunately, they don’t self-identify. They simply blunder through life either a) clashing...

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