Becoming an Iconic Leader

5 Leadership Rules That Always Win

During an election season or a corporate crisis, the word “leadership” is used probably more than any other—as a prescription for better...

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Respect in the Workplace

What Does “Respect” Mean in Politics, Religion, and Race Relations?

“Given such a lack of respect from both sides of the current political environment and the seeming lack of it through Facebook postings, I’m...

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Common Grammar Mistakes

10 Grammar Mistakes That Drive Your Friends Nuts

I recently posted this note on my Facebook page: He: "I'll try and call before the weekend." Me: (thinking) "He'll try TO call before the...

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Calming Down Excited Workers

5 Ways to Cool Off a Hot-Headed Customer or Coworker

Six colleagues and I sat huddled in an impromptu meeting before a general session. Someone raised the question of how to generate a bigger attendance...

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Managing Your Own Behavior

How Well Do You Manage Yourself?

Leadership has been at the forefront of organizational thought for the past decade or longer. Executives, authors, speakers, and consultants...

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Speaking in Front of a Crowd

Trump and Clinton–Dump the Dour Demeanor

Media pundits and critics have commented on Trump’s and Clinton’s communication styles and demeanor almost as often as their policies. I’m...

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