Respect in the Workplace

What Does “Respect” Mean in Politics, Religion, and Race Relations?

“Given such a lack of respect from both sides of the current political environment and the seeming lack of it through Facebook postings, I’m...

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Managing Your Own Behavior

How Well Do You Manage Yourself?

Leadership has been at the forefront of organizational thought for the past decade or longer. Executives, authors, speakers, and consultants...

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Presidential Race Buttons

What Did Trump’s and Clinton’s Body Language and Style Reveal in the Debate?

Body language leaks the real feelings and truth behind the words. So what did the candidates really reveal to the audience in last night’s...

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Speaking in Front of a Crowd

Trump and Clinton–Dump the Dour Demeanor

Media pundits and critics have commented on Trump’s and Clinton’s communication styles and demeanor almost as often as their policies. I’m...

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Speaking Up When You Quit

3 Things You Should Say Before You Quit

Many employees have “come and gone” during my three decades as CEO of a small business—interns graduate, professionals move across country...

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Misunderstandings about Public Speaking

3 Common Myths About Professional Speakers and Speaking

When people walk into my kitchen, their eyes always immediately go to a large centerpiece of colorful teapots arranged in the center of my...

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