leadership, communication, assistance, asking for help

How Strong Leaders Ask For Help

(This blog was previously published on Forbes here.) You don’t get bonus points for struggling. Only battle scars. When taking over a new job or...

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grammar, apostrophes, apostrophe usage

Using Apostrophes Properly in Perplexing Possessives

Possession presents problems to plenty of people—on social media platforms, in emails, in formal proposals. Not demonic possession. Not even...

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negative feedback, communication, leadership

4 Positive Responses to Negative Feedback—Even When You Disagree

From time to time, most of us will receive some negative feedback either at work or home. You may agree or disagree with it. But often your positive...

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parties, small talk, holidays, communication

12 Tips on Small Talk for the Holidays

Many professionals dread holiday parties on the horizon. It’s not that they don’t enjoy seeing old friends and family members; it’s the...

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emotional conversation, conversation skills, discussion skills, emotional discussions, hot to handle emotional discussions

The Best Kept Secret in Handling Emotional Conversations Well

Have you ever awakened at 3:00 a.m., rehashing a conversation from earlier in the day? Why didn’t I think to say X? Or if I had just commented that...

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The Secret Sauce in Appealing to Someone’s Best Self

My husband will be the first to tell you that he’s not a fixer-up kind of guy. He can change a lightbulb, but if anything else goes wrong around...

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