
How to Reverse a Bad First Impression

You’ve heard it said: “You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.” That may be true—but you can definitely change that...

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communication lessons

Communication Tips From the World of Entertainment

Consider your favorite movie, play, or novel. Which kept you awake at night? Which popped into your consciousness days or months later? Those...

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communicate during crisis

How to Communicate With Employees During Crisis

During a time of crisis like the Coronavirus pandemic, people’s attention splinters from work to the all-encompassing chaos of what’s happening...

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Signs of Depression and Suicide

How to Help Depressed or Suicidal People

Dr. Lorna M. Breen, a top ER doctor who treated virus patients in a Manhattan hospital, recently died by suicide. According to her father, her job...

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Are You So Technical You Turn People Off?

(Forbes first published my post here.) When my husband and I first married, we had an ongoing travel battle. Working in Houston as a consultant, I...

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Childish Behavior

How To Handle Childish Behavior At Work

(Forbes first published my article here.) My client Heather called to say she hadn’t received our shipment of books. So our operations manager...

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