Dump That Part of Your Communication People Skip

When asked by an aspiring novelist the secret to his success, crime novelist Elmore Leonard replied: “I try to leave out the parts that readers...

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Communicate Personal Loyalty as a Leader

It would be great if every organization won the heart and mind of every employee so they felt loyalty just because they got a paycheck. But of...

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interview questions

4 Interview Questions to Avoid Hiring Toxic Employees

Your success often depends on the emotional intelligence of people you hire in strategic positions. That means you need to make hiring decisions...

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hiring interview

Structuring the Hiring Interview

In my first few years as owner/CEO of a small business, I wasted far too much time in interviewing job applicants. My habit was to ask a few softball...

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How to Reverse a Bad First Impression

You’ve heard it said: “You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.” That may be true—but you can definitely change that...

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communication lessons

Communication Tips From the World of Entertainment

Consider your favorite movie, play, or novel. Which kept you awake at night? Which popped into your consciousness days or months later? Those...

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