employee morale, leadership communication

5 Sentences Great Leaders Say Sincerely and Often

  Liars need not apply. But leaders who sincerely want to inspire their teams to work at peak performance—simply because they love the...

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spin, lies, deception

How to Separate Spin From Deception and Lies

Everybody spins—to get a date, a mate, a job. Spinning simply means putting your best foot forward by telling your story of what happened with...

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presentations, presentation skills, presentation communication, presentation nerves

How to Calm Your Nerves Before a Presentation

  Even professional speakers get nervous before keynotes or presentations. To what degree depends on what’s at stake: Who’s in the...

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communication,understanding, business communication, team management

4 Ways to Verify Others REALLY Understand What You’re Communicating

As a leader, you’ve probably asked your team countless times some version of, “Do you understand?” How do team members generally respond? They...

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communication, personal relationships, business relationships, workplace morale

Changing the “Tone” of Communication at Work and Home

  “Don’t you use that tone with me!” Chances are you’ve either heard it from a parent or said it to a teen. Tone carries attitude,...

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leadership communication, leadership, communication

Don’t Underestimate the Impact of Great Communication Skills

Connectivity doesn’t equal connection. Show me a workplace where everyone is connected 24/7 by email, instant messaging, social media, and...

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