speak up

How to Speak Up and Hold the Floor Long Enough to Make Your Point

When others conclude that you rarely speak up, your career stalls. The ability to command attention and build a case are attributes closely...

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talk or write

To Talk or Write? A Critical Communication Decision—Part 2

Last week’s post presented seven reasons to write rather than talk to your employees, suppliers, and strategic partners: Allows time to...

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talk or write

To Talk or Write? A Critical Communication Decision (Part 1)

The US has just come through a political mine field—most referencing texts, emails, phone calls, and meetings as proof of either guilt or...

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mentoring moment

Using Mentoring Moments to Coach Your Team to Greater Career Success

Millennials aren’t the only generation that demands frequent feedback and expects to advance quickly up the career ladder. In fact, HR typically...

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executive buy-in

How to Pitch Ideas to Your Executive Team

“Never got a response to my email.” “They never followed through on my recommendation.” “I’d definitely like to have a seat at the table...

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positive communication

Turn Negative, Depressing Conversations To Positive Communication

(Forbes first published my article here.) Everywhere you turn these last few weeks, you hear bad news and sad stories about the Coronavirus and...

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