executive presence

Executive Presence—Do You Have It?

At a SHRM mega-session years ago while speaking on the topic of executive presence, I included an audience demonstration about the body language...

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Recover From a Presentation “Fail”

How To Recover When You Get Flustered During A Presentation

Some glitches turn out to be funny—later, at least to the audience. Before a group of gregarious sales reps, I was trying to make the point that...

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Forced-Choice Questions

Feeling Trapped by Forced-Option Questions From Your Executive Team?

The old “Have you stopped beating your spouse?” dilemma captures this problem well:  “Yes or no?” Either way you answer, you’re in...

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advisory board

Do You Need a Personal “Advisory Board” as a Leader?

Not a board of directors. Not a mentor. But do you need a team of trusted advisors as a sounding board to help you grow your leadership skills?...

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literary agent

Why Do Literary Agents Take So Long to Respond?

“The agent requested my proposal right away after I sent my pitch. But it’s been two weeks, and I haven’t heard a word. Is that good or bad?...

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leadership communication skills

Great Leaders Master 3 Skills Early

When you think of great leaders, what image comes to mind? For many, they envision a well-known CEO granting an TV interview or see a politician...

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