best publishing path

How to Decide the Best Book Publishing Option

Many authors spend months and often years writing a book and getting it published—only to be disappointed that they didn’t achieve the results...

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Benefits From Publishing a Book

6 Business Benefits From Publishing a Book

You often hear it said that “everybody has a book in them.” And according to a Wall Street Journal survey, about 80 percent of the population...

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communication tips

Top 21 Communication Tips for 2021

Nobody decides to be a poor communicator. They become ineffective through neglect. Instead of mindful, intentional communication, they adopt clichés...

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9 Book Writing Routines That Really Work for Authors

Many people sabotage their book writing success because they can’t psyche themselves out of procrastination. Einstein once said, “My mind is my...

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Communication Incivility

Stopping Communication Incivility in Your Workplace

(Forbes first published my article here.) In addition to unrest in the streets, incivility crops up in the workplace all too often. Many offer...

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communication failure

4 Communication Lessons From Leaders Who Fail

Many so-called experts today talk about leadership who’ve never led anything more complex than a high-school marching band.  They offer principles...

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