Forced-Choice Questions

Feeling Trapped by Forced-Option Questions From Your Executive Team?

The old “Have you stopped beating your spouse?” dilemma captures this problem well:  “Yes or no?” Either way you answer, you’re in...

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advisory board

Do You Need a Personal “Advisory Board” as a Leader?

Not a board of directors. Not a mentor. But do you need a team of trusted advisors as a sounding board to help you grow your leadership skills?...

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literary agent

Why Do Literary Agents Take So Long to Respond?

“The agent requested my proposal right away after I sent my pitch. But it’s been two weeks, and I haven’t heard a word. Is that good or bad?...

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leadership communication skills

Great Leaders Master 3 Skills Early

When you think of great leaders, what image comes to mind? For many, they envision a well-known CEO granting an TV interview or see a politician...

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leadership communication

How Leaders Communicate Differently From Divas and Deadbeats

Leaders talk often about data and metrics—and new AI possibilities. But some roles and activities defy measurement. For the most part, leadership...

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Communicate Personal Loyalty as a Leader

It would be great if every organization won the heart and mind of every employee so they felt loyalty just because they got a paycheck. But of...

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