State of the Union

State of the Union Speech Analysis

As an executive speech coach, I’ve become accustomed to analyzing State of the Union speeches and presidential debates for many...

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Proper Communication Techniques

Do You Hear the Shocking Sound of Silence From Customers?

Some silences can be more painful than others: The thank-you note that never arrives. The dinner invitation that goes unanswered. The job interview...

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Enhance Relationships with Clients

10 Traits That Make You More Likable

You’ve heard it said that people do business with people they like. But they also believe people they like, help people they like, hire people...

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Proper Leadership Language

5 Words Leaders Seldom Use—And What to Choose Instead

The essence of leadership is communication.  As a leader, your words have the power to motivate or demoralize, inspire or discourage, clarify...

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Asking Good Questions

Leaders, Are You Asking Enough Questions in These 4 Core Categories?

Micromanagers direct. Leaders coach. As a leader, you understand the value of using questions to develop those around you to their highest...

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Direct Leadership Communication

5 Ways to Sift Damage from Direct Communication

Whether you’re delivering a presentation, emailing a client, or disciplining your teen, direct communication is good. Damaging communication, on...

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