customer service communication, customer service, business communication, communication

5 Communication Practices to Revolutionize Customer Service

These two recent customer service experiences are all too common: Scenario 1—Failure to Follow-Through: To ask a question about my life...

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storytelling, presentations, narrative

Are You Delivering Great Stories—Or Just Narrating Them?

  In my coaching practice, executives often tell me they want to improve their ability to tell stories that inspire and persuade. But as we...

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tech communication, talking tech, communication

5 Tips for Women Talking Techie to Technical Men

(My column first appeared on Forbes here.) Communicating technical concepts to another technical person requires focus and discipline. Add to this...

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How to Boost Your Credibility at Work

(This blog first appeared on here.) Credibility is hard to earn and easy to lose. People judge you not only based on your job...

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leaders vs. managers,skills,communication

6 Differences Between Leaders and Managers

  The distinction between leader and manager may have absolutely nothing to do with position or title. You can lead as a project team member,...

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confident communicator, communication skills, communicate like a leader

How to Communicate Like a Confident Leader

  (My blog first appeared on here) As a keynoter, when I ask audience members to call out attributes of executive presence, they...

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