Politics and the Media

Political Debates, Network News, and Communicating With Skeptics

Are you tired of reading and hearing politicians and pundits tells us what “the American people want” or what “the American people don’t...

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The Process of Thinking

10 Things That Reveal How Leaders Think

The current buzz word “thought leader“ captures clout for those who stand out in the industry. But for years in other organizations or...

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Informative and Interesting Introductions

Speaker Introductions: Rousing, Rough, or Ruinous?

Sooner or later, you’ll be called on to introduce someone—at an industry meeting, a client event, or a community gathering.  And you don’t...

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Persuasion and Writing Expert

The ONE Best Way to Persuade

After registering to attend a writer’s conference, I began to see a thread of emails land in my inbox about the upcoming event. An inexperienced...

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Poor Customer Service Lessons

10 Lessons Learned in Surviving Poor Customer Service

A recent renovation in our home due to a water leak became almost a 4-month, full-time job for my husband.  Sharing some of the customer-service...

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Developing a Successful Leader

3 Things Leadership Is NOT

Leadership—or the lack of it—has been the theme of the last decade. From political pundits, to convention keynoters, to sports team coaches,...

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