4 Ways to Be a Witty Conversationalist

4 Ways to Be a Witty Conversationalist

My husband’s Granny Jordan lived to be ninety without a broken bone. But that’s not to say she didn’t fall often. Whether she had an...

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Emails and Your Reputation

Are Your Emails Ruining Your Reputation?

World War II veterans heard the warning “Loose lips sink ships.” Today’s corollary is that loose lips and lengthy clips may limit risks with...

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Money Management Skills

Money to Grow On—When to Save Seriously and Spend Lavishly

One of the biggest decisions small businesses face is how to spend profits wisely to grow, and how to stay profitable when the economy slows and...

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Famous Persuasion Quotes

Popular Quotations on Persuasion—15 Favorites

I’m guessing not a week passes that you don’t need to persuade someone to do something or change something. Just this week, my persuasive...

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Seeing Different Perspectives

Perspective Leads to Negotiation and Happiness

There’s nothing like 1300 women trying to change seats quickly in a large auditorium to create a little disruption—and disgruntle more than...

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Using Your Language Wisely

20 Favorite Communication Quotations

A great turn of phrase grabs my attention and tickles my thoughts for hours. If you’ve read any of my books, then you know that I sprinkle them...

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