Media pundits and critics have commented on Trump’s and Clinton’s communication styles and demeanor almost as often as their policies. I’m...
Read moreMany employees have “come and gone” during my three decades as CEO of a small business—interns graduate, professionals move across country...
Read moreWhen people walk into my kitchen, their eyes always immediately go to a large centerpiece of colorful teapots arranged in the center of my...
Read moreYou’ve probably dealt with people whom you’ve wanted to whop upside the head because of their arrogant attitude. Yet some might argue that...
Read moreI knew we’d reached a crisis point when my octogenarian mom said to me a couple of years ago after dinner out, “I need to get home and do...
Read moreListening to the media grilling and public outcry after politicians of both parties open their mouths, I often think to myself: “How that’s...
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