Lessons Learned From Mom

10 Things Your Mom Should Have Taught You About Communication

Since moms get blamed for so many things that go wrong in the world, we might as well point an accusatory finger at them for the poor...

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Speaking Wisely in Public

7 Statements Successful Speakers Never Say

If you’ve ever sat in an audience mesmerized by a motivational or business speaker, you know that such speakers can make the skill look so...

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Time Efficient Communication

20 Ways Poor Communication Is Wasting Your Time

Time: You can’t borrow it, buy it, or bottle it.  Most everyone wants and needs more of it to get their work done and to enjoy their play. So how...

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Upwards Communication in a Business

Why Don’t People Communicate Up in an Organization?

The CEO and the CFO set in opposite corners of the room. But both stuck their hands into the air just as I called for questions at the end of my...

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Best Traits of a Leader

6 Leadership Traits Seldom Mentioned

Quick—tick off the leadership traits that you often hear from conference speakers, read in leadership books or blogs, or study in training...

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Millennials in Professional World

Millennials Who Move Up and Those Who Move On

Let me start with some definitions: By “up,” I’m talking about increasing responsibilities and earning power—either within the same...

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