Meeting with a Colleague

Start an Elevator Conversation; Forget the Elevator Speech

The elevator speech is dead. That was my pronouncement in last week’s blog. The reasons: Elevator speeches are too vague, too canned, too...

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Creating a Stellar Elevator Speech

Why the Elevator Speech Is Dead—And What to Do Instead

Ten years ago, clients asked me to help their sales teams to perfect their elevator speech. Not anymore. It’s dead. Nobody has time to listen to...

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Becoming a Good Sales Person

6 Ways Salespeople Irritate Customers and Lose Sales

Salespeople are typically the nicest people in the room. They ask about your family. They laugh at your stories. They empathize with your hard...

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Female Professional Worker

6 Secrets to Becoming Your Own Boss

Not everyone longs to be THE boss of a large team or organization. But given a choice, most of us would like to BE our own boss. We want the...

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Using a Specific Agenda

Are You Leaving Customers in the Dark With a Vague Agenda?

You’ve interacted with your prospect a couple of times—either on the phone or by email. You’ve researched the organization. You’ve...

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Speaking and Presenting Techniques

Are You Telling a Story––or an Anecdote?

No, it’s not just you. You’re not just imagining that half the blogs and books you’ve read in the last few years have urged you to learn to...

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