customer communication

Are Your Frontline People Killing Your Business?

Letting your employees communicate with your customers and prospects can kill your business. Let me be clear: Employees should be able to talk or...

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Turning Down a Client or Prospect

How To Turn Down A Client Or Prospect Tactfully

(Forbes originally published my article here.) Yes, yes, I know most businesses are continually soliciting clients and prospects—not trying to...

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business speaker

6 Things the Best Speakers and Presenters NEVER Do

Whether you’re talking football, engineering, or acting, you’ve seen the best and brightest make mistakes.  Fumbles, crashes, bloopers—the...

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business proposal

9 Steps to Writing a Business Proposal That Wins New Clients

While lead generation may be the most talked-about method of landing new clients, the business proposal is the final key step to reeling them...

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email management

Does Your Email Inbox Dictate Your Day—And Should It?

A reporter for Newsday called recently for a comment about his story on executive stress and the connection to email. As I shared stats from my...

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email mistakes

3 Mistakes Salespeople Make in Writing Customers

In today’s world, we work, live, and die by email. Okay, I exaggerate. But it’s hard to get through a week without weeding your way through an...

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