Difference Between Managers and Leaders

9 Ways Wise Leaders Differ From Smart Managers

Are you decisive, or do you often second-guess yourself and agonize over decisions until opportunities pass? Do colleagues and clients often ask your...

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Appreciating the Life You Have

Be Thankful If You Live in a Culture Where This Still Happens

“You have a lot of trees back here,” I said to my husband one Sunday afternoon in his backyard after we’d been dating only a few...

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Keeping the Conversation Going

Conversation Killers and How to Avoid Them

Your relationships are formed through conversations stacked end to end. So it pays to get rid of the mechanical things that cripple them. For...

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Small Details in Communication

What Leaders Communicate With “The Little Things”

No doubt, leaders spread their message by taking the microphone at a major conference. But just as with games, movies, apps, and ideas, leaders grow...

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Managing a Business Meeting

How Meeting Leaders Deal With a Dominating Person

In an ideal world, everybody would play nice. All meeting attendees would arrive on time, put away their devices, tune in to the discussion,...

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Politics and the Media

Political Debates, Network News, and Communicating With Skeptics

Are you tired of reading and hearing politicians and pundits tells us what “the American people want” or what “the American people don’t...

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