Hiring and Keeping Workers

6 Steps to Hire and Keep Top Leaders on Your Team

No one doubts the impact of great leaders to an organization’s overall success. The challenge seems to be finding them, growing them, cloning them,...

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Communication so Everyone Understands

Communication Zingers to Avoid in Your Presentations and Email

Words to Avoid... In a presentation or an email, it’s typically not the big things but the small missteps that damage relationships—particularly...

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Handling Strong Personalities

How to Handle a Know-It-All

Know-it-alls walk the halls at every level—from the basement to the executive floor. It’s not their title or expertise that’s the problem. Most...

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Presenting at a Senate Hearing

Senate Confirmation Hearings: Why Otherwise Smart People “Think Like That”!

Ever ask yourself how an otherwise intelligent friend or coworker could “think like that”? Or “vote like that”? Or “twist things like...

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Using Less Technology

4 Signs You Need to Power Down for a Tech Detox

According to a PEW poll, 90 percent of the world’s smartphone users say their phone is their “constant companion.” And 96 percent say they...

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Working with Loud Mouths

How to Manage a Motor-Mouth at Your Meeting or Party

Whether you meet them at an upcoming holiday party or have them dominating your meetings, incessant talkers present a challenge. While you do want...

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