Emotional Standards of a Leader

Are You Emotionally “Up” As A Leader?

Anybody who’s managed people can tell you about good days and bad days. On the good days, you feel like a winning coach at the Super Bowl. On...

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Leadership and Living Skills

How to Reduce Stress as a Leader and Feel Peaceful

Key employee leaving? Team conflict? Not making your numbers? Tight client deadline? New competitor entering the market? Family conflict? Health...

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Answering to a Demanding Boss

How NOT to Respond to a Demanding Boss

Demanding bosses don’t “take well” to people without the same sense of urgency, accuracy, and curiosity as they have. In last week’s blog...

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Thinking like a Demanding Boss

Confessions of a Demanding Boss: How to Manage Them

I don’t yell, rant, curse, pitch fits, or get in your face when things go wrong.  But as the owner of a training company, I probably would have...

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Strategies to Get Smarter

The Single BEST Way to Get Smarter

“You’ll be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read,” was the motto of one of my...

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Improving Team Communication

12 Communication Habits to Become Better Team Leader

Let’s face it: Most professionals don’t have the gumption to point out to their boss habits that are killing morale, draining productivity, and...

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