Enhance Relationships with Clients

10 Traits That Make You More Likable

You’ve heard it said that people do business with people they like. But they also believe people they like, help people they like, hire people...

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Proper Leadership Language

5 Words Leaders Seldom Use—And What to Choose Instead

The essence of leadership is communication.  As a leader, your words have the power to motivate or demoralize, inspire or discourage, clarify...

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Asking Good Questions

Leaders, Are You Asking Enough Questions in These 4 Core Categories?

Micromanagers direct. Leaders coach. As a leader, you understand the value of using questions to develop those around you to their highest...

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Direct Leadership Communication

5 Ways to Sift Damage from Direct Communication

Whether you’re delivering a presentation, emailing a client, or disciplining your teen, direct communication is good. Damaging communication, on...

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Engaging Public Speaking

4 Misconceptions About How to Be an Engaging Speaker

An executive coaching client shared this goal with me:  “I want to become a more inspiring speaker so my employees really become engaged and...

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Handling Dominant Personalities

How to Control Dominators in Meetings

Meetings often unfold similar to encounters on the playground: Passive and dominating attendees annoy each other and complicate things. So why...

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