listening, analytical listening, personal bias, propaganda

How to Listen Analytically to Persuasive Appeals—And NOT Be Tricked!

Often these days, while listening to pundits and politicians, I feel the urge to flash a warning label across the TV screen: —Opinion, Not...

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positive communication, change communication, leadership communication, business communication

11 Ways to Communicate Change Positively

Change usually involves a period of chaos until people struggle through it to success. Even the world’s most powerful software requires a learning...

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simplicity, simplify, business communication, sales communication, persuasive communication

How Simplicity Helps You Sell Your Ideas, Products, and Services

Have you ever become frustrated searching a company’s website, trying to find an answer to a simple question or a phone number to call for help?...

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negotiations, negotiating, sales, marketing, contracts,

What to Do When Hit With a Negotiation Surprise

Experienced negotiators refer to this surprise tactic as the “bomb scare.” Such surprises happen in sales, salary negotiations, customer...

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employee morale, leadership communication

5 Sentences Great Leaders Say Sincerely and Often

  Liars need not apply. But leaders who sincerely want to inspire their teams to work at peak performance—simply because they love the...

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spin, lies, deception

How to Separate Spin From Deception and Lies

Everybody spins—to get a date, a mate, a job. Spinning simply means putting your best foot forward by telling your story of what happened with...

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