email tips

Think Smart Before You Hit “Send” 

(This article first appeared in Indian Management.) Email saves an enormous amount of time for those who think strategically. For those who...

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email leadership

What Does Your Email Reveal About Your Leadership Style?

(This article first appeared at “I don’t know that there’s necessarily a correlation between leadership style and their...

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email productivity

How Much Is Your Email Costing You in Lost Productivity?

(This column first appeared on CEOWorld.Biz) For more than three decades, I’ve been reading other people’s mail. That is, corporate emails to...

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Public Speaking Mistakes

9 Public Speaking Mistakes That Irk an Audience

Three speakers bombed yesterday: one via webinar, one via teleconference, and the other live on stage in front of 300 audience members. None of them...

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9 Ways to Get People to Take Action and Meet Deadlines in Your Emails

Commonly heard among coworkers: “They never got back to me.” “I guess I’m going to have to send a reminder.” “The responses are slow...

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conversation communication

Are You a Great Conversationalist—Or a Great Communicator?

The difference can be dramatic. Various dictionaries define a conversationalist as someone who “enjoys talking,” “likes interacting with...

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