Managing Small Talk Conversations

How to Skip Small Talk and Get to Know Someone

Noticing the time on a text message (3:04 a.m.) that came in from a Millennial one morning, I asked if he had been working that late. “No, I...

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Good Communication Practices

5 Communication Practices Touted As Effective—That Really Aren’t

No matter the topic, there’s always the flipside. Politics? The liberal view versus the conservative view. Religion? Scores of...

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Asking Important Questions

5 Mistakes Leaders Make in Responding to Questions

Whether delivering a presentation to clients or your own executive team, delegating, or passing someone in the hallway, leaders get questions....

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Learning from Young Managers

4 Things Young Managers Can Learn From Older Employees

Last week’s blog addressed What Older Employees Can Learn From Young Executives. Granted, all five characteristics represent generalizations...

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Experience and Young Executives

5 Things Older Employees Can Learn From Younger Executives

The cards seem stacked for failure when a team of 50 to 60-year-olds learn they’re reporting to a 30-year-old manager brought in from the...

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Creating Productive Relationships

4 Ways Positive Communication Can Be a Big Negative

Attend any industry conference and you’ll find a motivational speaker talking about the importance of a positive outlook. You may even take...

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