Do You Know the 8 Clear Communication Standards of Leaders?

(Forbes first published my article here.) Payment on the client’s invoice was 55 days past due. The first email asking for a “status” on...

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Tone Can Tank Your Communication and Career

We often hear the phrase “tone deaf” in political circles. By that, people mean someone is oblivious to what others are feeling, thinking, and...

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Never Underestimate the Value of a Power Edit—For Email, Speeches, or Books

My most valuable learning experience in graduate school also happened to be my most humiliating. Having read the first hundred pages of my master’s...

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business speaker

6 Things the Best Speakers and Presenters NEVER Do

Whether you’re talking football, engineering, or acting, you’ve seen the best and brightest make mistakes.  Fumbles, crashes, bloopers—the...

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bad business writing

Is Bad Business Writing Killing Your Career And Business?

(Forbes first published my article here.) A few weeks ago, I received an email from one of my book publishers asking me to sign an amendment to a...

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Gmail hacks

15 Email Hacks to Communicate Faster, Better With Gmail

We’re all looking for ways to communicate more effectively and better organize our daily lives. That goes for work and home. We all get lots of...

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