(Forbes first published my article here.) Credibility counts—and not solely for your job performance. For starters, assume that your colleagues...
Read moreGood writing is rewriting. I’ve not put quotation marks around that comment because it would be difficult to attribute it to only one author. So...
Read moreWhen everyone’s responsible, no one’s responsible. Ask your kids why the house has been turned into a disaster while you were away at a...
Read more(Forbes first published my article here) You may hold the position but lack the influence. If you sit behind the boss’s desk, people may have to...
Read moreYou may not be able to tell a book by its cover, but you can definitely tell thought leaders by their communication habits and their emails. Here’s...
Read moreComplainers are convinced that your executive team, the dock workers, and the technicians stay up nights trying to figure out how to deceive them,...
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