Proper Business Attire

4 Common Myths About Being a Great Speaker

In a recent coaching session, my executive client shared this goal with me:  “I want to become a more inspiring speaker so my employees really...

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Tough and Bold Leadership

Why They May Be Ignoring You & Your Communication

Jason Hewlett’s experience explains a good deal about why others may not be giving you or your message the attention it deserves. Here’s part of...

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Uplifting the Morale of Employees

Leadership Communication: 3 Things That Increase Personal Presence

When senior leaders come for coaching, they often show up with great motivation but guarded perspective. Their CEO has often given them some direct...

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Dialing Down Tense Work Dialogues

By Jeff Davidson, MBA, CMC Years ago when I was vice-president of a management consulting and training firm in Falls Church, Virginia, it became...

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Punctuation Errors on Social Media Are Appalling!

How passionate are you about punctuation?  The following is an excerpt from a recent note to me from the office of a financial advisor: “Hi...

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Never Underestimate the Value of a Power Edit

My most valuable learning experience in graduate school also happened to be my most humiliating. Having read the first hundred pages of my master’s...

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