tech communication, talking tech, communication

5 Tips for Women Talking Techie to Technical Men

(My column first appeared on Forbes here.) Communicating technical concepts to another technical person requires focus and discipline. Add to this...

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persuasion tips, sales, persuasion, presentations

Unusual Persuasion Tactics You’ll Find Hard to Believe

(This blog first appeared on here.) Life unfolds as a series of persuasive interactions—to get a date, a mate, a job, a promotion, a...

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How to Boost Your Credibility at Work

(This blog first appeared on here.) Credibility is hard to earn and easy to lose. People judge you not only based on your job...

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email overload, email management, email productivity

Communication Is About the Time, Not the Tools — Really!

(Special thanks to Microsoft Office, the sponsor of this article. Their Modern Workplace webcast Organized Communication: Avoiding Information...

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confident communicator, communication skills, communicate like a leader

How to Communicate Like a Confident Leader

  (My blog first appeared on here) As a keynoter, when I ask audience members to call out attributes of executive presence, they...

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management, personality conflict, managing somebody you don't like

4 Ways to Manage People You Don’t Like

  Sooner or later, you’re going to be put in charge of a project, team, or department where you’ll discover that you’re working with...

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