The Biggest Secret to Writing a Book Super Fast—or Completing ANY Core Work Project

The latest buzz word in corporate circles today: Disruption. The connotation typically is positive as in a “breakthrough,” “innovation,” or...

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mother's day communication

How to Communicate to Mom on Mother’s Day What She Means to You

Hallmark sells more greeting cards for Mother’s Day than any other holiday. But take it from me, your mom would rather hear YOUR words than those...

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conversation communication

Are You a Great Conversationalist—Or a Great Communicator?

The difference can be dramatic. Various dictionaries define a conversationalist as someone who “enjoys talking,” “likes interacting with...

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communication mistakes

5 Deadly Communication Mistakes That Kill Team Spirit

(Forbes first published my article here.) Many teams exist in name only. Their “spirit” is ghosting. Members may be assigned to the same...

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personality clash

How To Work With People You Don’t Like

(Forbes first published my article here.) Being locked into a leadership role or project with a person who rubs you the wrong way produces...

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communication, leadership, competitive communication

The Communication Competition: How to win in today’s chaotic business environment

Guest post by Sara Canaday An article in Forbes recently explained that our brains use our senses to gather roughly 11 million bits of information...

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