bland writing

Is Your Writing Too Bland to Become Your Brand?

What does your writing—email, texts, social media posts, website, proposals, books—say about your personal brand? For all the words you speak...

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How Language Makes You Likeable—or Not!

Following the 2020 Supreme Court Justice Confirmation hearings and the presidential and vice presidential debates, you heard the pundits as well as...

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publishing rejections

Why Publishers May Reject Your Book—and What to Do About It

“It’s not about you.” That now-famous opening line from Rick Warren’s mega-bestseller The Purpose Driven Life may be especially true for...

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Humorous Presentations

Start With a Joke—Or Maybe Not!

The standard line among professional speakers about the importance of humor, even in serious business or technical presentations, goes like this:...

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best publishing path

How to Decide the Best Book Publishing Option

Many authors spend months and often years writing a book and getting it published—only to be disappointed that they didn’t achieve the results...

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Benefits From Publishing a Book

6 Business Benefits From Publishing a Book

You often hear it said that “everybody has a book in them.” And according to a Wall Street Journal survey, about 80 percent of the population...

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