email overload, email management, email productivity

Communication Is About the Time, Not the Tools — Really!

(Special thanks to Microsoft Office, the sponsor of this article. Their Modern Workplace webcast Organized Communication: Avoiding Information...

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confident communicator, communication skills, communicate like a leader

How to Communicate Like a Confident Leader

  (My blog first appeared on here) As a keynoter, when I ask audience members to call out attributes of executive presence, they...

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management, personality conflict, managing somebody you don't like

4 Ways to Manage People You Don’t Like

  Sooner or later, you’re going to be put in charge of a project, team, or department where you’ll discover that you’re working with...

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communication expert, keynote speaker

6 Ways Real Leaders Turn Insincerity Into Inspiration

The biggest barrier between leaders and followers is distrust. And the window dressing for distrust is insincerity. People put up with a lot of...

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Are You a Micromanager? 6 Signs

  No one proudly wears the label of micromanager. Yet the workplace overflows with them. Here’s how to identify them on your team before you...

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bad business communication habits

10 Bad Business Communication Habits That Ruin Relationships

Few people admit to bad communication habits—much less habits that can cost them a job or a contract. Yet, we all see some of the following...

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