fewer emails

Send Fewer Emails to Engage Deeper—and Lighten Your Load

Tim, a friend of mine back in college, had the weird habit of setting his alarm to go off at 7:00 am on Saturdays when he had no intention of getting...

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communication Strategies Project Manager

4 Ways Great Communication Contributes to Your Success as a Project Manager

Guest Post By Jeff Davidson For all the technical skills that project managers have to master in order to be successful, the “people side” of...

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Giving bad news

Giving Bad News Like the Brave

Mature optimism is a cornerstone of healthy living. If you’re habitually communicating “The sky is falling!” people draw the conclusion that...

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email mistakes

3 Mistakes Salespeople Make in Writing Customers

In today’s world, we work, live, and die by email. Okay, I exaggerate. But it’s hard to get through a week without weeding your way through an...

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email timewasters

The 5 Biggest Email Timewasters that You Need to Ditch

(Berrett- Koehler first published my article here.) Email has become the essential tool people love to hate. These expressions capture the angst...

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Leadership mistakes

How Strong Leaders Own Up to Flops, Mistakes, and Misjudgment

(Forbes originally published my article here.) Being human means making mistakes. And being a leader means owning them. The weak defend mistakes,...

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