Social Business Practices

5 Reasons You Need Coaches at Work

Life coaches and personal trainers seem to be the new status symbol.  From corporate CEOs to the nineteen-year-old French student, everyone’s...

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Learning from Your Superiors

Leaders: Legal, Ethical, or Right?

Do you remember playing games as a child when you made up the rules as you went along?  Those rules that evolved on such short-notice often proved...

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Climbing to Your Goals

Are You a Risk Taker?

Imagine that you’re the coach, and your team is leading by two points with two minutes to go in the game. Would you try to slow things down, hold...

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Presenting yourself with Confidence

8 Criteria for Personal Accountability

In recent years, people have attempted to take responsibility for their personal development—character, career, attitude—with performance tools...

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Punctuation Errors on Social Media Are Appalling!

How passionate are you about punctuation?  The following is an excerpt from a recent note to me from the office of a financial advisor: “Hi...

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Life Balance: Reclaim Energy Boosters and Dump Energy Drainers

“If people are going to be peak performers, they have to know how to change their energy state.”—Ken Blanchard  Nothing saps my energy...

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