communication expert, keynote speaker

6 Ways Real Leaders Turn Insincerity Into Inspiration

The biggest barrier between leaders and followers is distrust. And the window dressing for distrust is insincerity. People put up with a lot of...

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Are You a Micromanager? 6 Signs

  No one proudly wears the label of micromanager. Yet the workplace overflows with them. Here’s how to identify them on your team before you...

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bad business communication habits

10 Bad Business Communication Habits That Ruin Relationships

Few people admit to bad communication habits—much less habits that can cost them a job or a contract. Yet, we all see some of the following...

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Business Communication Expert

Hollywood Consistently Degrades Society by What It Communicates

By Guest Blogger Jeff Davidson At first glance, 2017 appeared to be a banner year for movies. Anytime you would open the newspaper to the movie...

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Enhance Relationships with Clients

10 Traits That Make You More Likable

You’ve heard it said that people do business with people they like. But they also believe people they like, help people they like, hire people...

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Proper Leadership Language

5 Words Leaders Seldom Use—And What to Choose Instead

The essence of leadership is communication.  As a leader, your words have the power to motivate or demoralize, inspire or discourage, clarify...

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