email tips

Think Smart Before You Hit “Send” 

(This article first appeared in Indian Management.) Email saves an enormous amount of time for those who think strategically. For those who...

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5 Financial Rules Your Kids Hope You’ll Communicate to Them

(Guest post by Tim Alba) Your kids love a good lecture, right? Growing up, my kids would always sit at my feet, hoping I’d tell them what to do...

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body language corporate

Does Your Body Language Sabotage or Support Your Message?

(This article first appeared on The perception of “personal presence” dictates decisions and actions every day. People with...

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file organization

Organizing Your Files May Not Be Sexy—But It Can Keep You Sane

A colleague of mine recently posted in a closed Facebook group of more than 900 members a comment something like this: “Can someone tell me a...

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Public Speaking Mistakes

9 Public Speaking Mistakes That Irk an Audience

Three speakers bombed yesterday: one via webinar, one via teleconference, and the other live on stage in front of 300 audience members. None of them...

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9 Ways to Get People to Take Action and Meet Deadlines in Your Emails

Commonly heard among coworkers: “They never got back to me.” “I guess I’m going to have to send a reminder.” “The responses are slow...

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