more publishing myths

MORE Myths About Book Writing and Publishing

Last year, I published a blog on myths and misleading information perpetuated by some in the publishing industry. Those myths included the...

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book career

Why Not Write A Book To Promote Your Career?

(Forbes first published my article here.) Open almost any major newspaper or magazine and you’ll find a survey that says the overwhelming...

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A Dozen Favorite Quotations on Gratitude

As another Thanksgiving rolls around, is your gratitude barometer rising or falling? Note that specific emotion—or lack thereof—may explain this...

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How to Rescue Floundering Meetings—Even When NOT The Leader!

(Forbes originally published my article here) Chances are you’re attending meetings and more meetings this year: strategic meetings, planning...

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communication challenges

The 4 Toughest Communication Challenges Leaders Face

As a leader, your communication determines your success. That’s how you accomplish your goals and plans every single day. But just because you do...

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find a new job

4 Signs You Need to Find a New Job or Start a New Business

(Forbes originally published my article here.) “They dangled more money in front of me, so I accepted their offer.  It was a huge raise.”...

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