Top 10 Tips to Increase Your Executive Presence and Expand Your Influence

Executive presence opens doors to the executive suite. That’s why we so often hear that you need it to get the job, win a promotion, close a deal,...

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Turning Down a Client or Prospect

How To Turn Down A Client Or Prospect Tactfully

(Forbes originally published my article here.) Yes, yes, I know most businesses are continually soliciting clients and prospects—not trying to...

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business writing

Why People Get Business Writing Wrong—And What To Do About It

(Forbes first published my article here.) When I mentioned business writing several years ago to a manager, he made a rather odd comment: “Our...

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Do You Know the 8 Clear Communication Standards of Leaders?

(Forbes first published my article here.) Payment on the client’s invoice was 55 days past due. The first email asking for a “status” on...

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Tone Can Tank Your Communication and Career

We often hear the phrase “tone deaf” in political circles. By that, people mean someone is oblivious to what others are feeling, thinking, and...

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Never Underestimate the Value of a Power Edit—For Email, Speeches, or Books

My most valuable learning experience in graduate school also happened to be my most humiliating. Having read the first hundred pages of my master’s...

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