Asking Good Questions

Leaders, Are You Asking Enough Questions in These 4 Core Categories?

Micromanagers direct. Leaders coach. As a leader, you understand the value of using questions to develop those around you to their highest...

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How to Write a Book Fast

10 Best Tips on How to Write a Book Fast—From the Author of 47

Is writing a book one of your goals for the new year? If so, these 10 tips can make the difference between dickering and done. Now that I’m 47...

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Direct Leadership Communication

5 Ways to Sift Damage from Direct Communication

Whether you’re delivering a presentation, emailing a client, or disciplining your teen, direct communication is good. Damaging communication, on...

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Engaging Public Speaking

4 Misconceptions About How to Be an Engaging Speaker

An executive coaching client shared this goal with me:  “I want to become a more inspiring speaker so my employees really become engaged and...

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Consoling a Loved One

What to Say to Someone When Their Loved One Dies

Three times in the past year, I’ve had the sad occasion to have a friend lose a spouse through death: car accident, heart attack, and cancer....

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Handling Dominant Personalities

How to Control Dominators in Meetings

Meetings often unfold similar to encounters on the playground: Passive and dominating attendees annoy each other and complicate things. So why...

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