Mega-Million Writers Lab in the Big Apple—Come Pitch Your Book
“So do you know a great agent who’s taking on new clients?”
“How in the world did you sell a million copies?”
“Have you found PR agents who really can get media bookings that pay off––and can you really measure results in increased sales? How do you tell the good ones from the bad ones without wasting a lot of money, or is it just trial and error?”
These are some of the most frequently asked questions around writers conferences—and the answers seem to be among the most heavily guarded secrets as well. But not any longer. At least not after May 1-3, when the Mega-Million Writing and Publishing Lab takes place in New York City.
The program for this event focuses solely on increasing your book sales—whether you’re a traditionally published author, a self-published author, a first-time author, or a seasoned author with many books to your credit. Here’s specifically what you can expect at this lab:
- Seven authors who’ve sold 1- to 5 million copies of their books will give you their 1 or 2 most successful ideas in selling their books. They will be laser-focused on the how, how much, when, where, and why of each idea so you can repeat their successes for yourself.
- Six editors will give you the inside scoop on the latest trends in proposals and how they make book-buy decisions and determine advance checks in today’s changing market.
- Three agents will provide insights regarding their role as liaison to increase your exposure, build excitement for your book, and close sub-rights sales.
- Three first-time authors who’ve sustained their first launch longer than the typical “one-month stand”—will be ready and willing to share their secrets.
- Other specialists will reveal their secrets on distribution channels and PR pitches.
But the biggest part of the weekend experience will be your opportunity to:
—Pitch your book concept to an editor or agent in a private 15-minute appointment.
—Get feedback during the Hot-Seat sessions and the “Brain Banks” focused on your own book marketing and sales strategy.
—Link up with partners for your next book launch.
With this kind of huge opportunity in front of you, you’re probably thinking, “What do I need to do to prepare for the weekend?” Glad you asked!
- Come ready with your next book concept ready to pitch. (We’ve scheduled a session to help you polish your pitch before meeting with agents or editors. But you’ll be ahead if you’ve worked on it before you arrive. If you have a proposal ready, so much the better if an agent or editor expresses interest in your concept.)
- Go to the National Speakers Association website and register for the event.
- Block out time on your remaining 2014 calendar to finish your book and/or renew your sales and marketing efforts with new ideas gained during the weekend.
Go to work, and we’ll see you May 1-3 in the Big Apple!