Get Personal Advice on How to Get Your Book Published with a 60-Minute Strategy Call

Here are some typical things people ask for help with:

  • Determining the best publishing path
  • Brainstorming winning book titles
  • Finding a literary agent
  • Gaining industry referrals (agents, editors, PR experts)
  • Reviewing your query to the agent
  • Developing a great proposal
  • Providing critical timelines for marketing
  • Navigating book contracts
  • Expanding the book into other products
  • Getting larger advance from your publisher

Dianna starts with wherever you in the writing processan idea, a proposal draft, a manuscript that needs to be sold, or no idea at all about how to get published but only the desire to see your career skyrocket. The price of a 60-minute strategy session is $500 USD.

If you desire additional guidance throughout the entire publishing process, the cost of your strategy call may be deducted from a longer term coaching package.

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    Get Help From a True Expert.

    Cut your learning curve with mentoring from an experienced book and publishing coach. Hall-of-Fame keynote speaker and bestselling author Dianna Booher has written and published 49 books, sold in 62 foreign-language editions—all with major publishers. Her award-winning books include both fiction and nonfiction (business, technical, self-help, and pop psychology).

    None of these books are self-published. (If you plan to self-publish, we’re happy to recommend some great coaches to help you with that goal.)

    At Booher Research, we’re all about helping you SELL your book to a major publisher.