Publisher: W Publishing/Thomas Nelson
Editions: English
Format: Paperback, Kindle

Well Connected
by Dianna Booher

If you’re feeling increasingly disconnected from the rest of the world, says communications expert Dianna Booher, you have plenty of company. The fact is that while technology can do many things, it cannot nurture our souls.

However, Well Connected can. The inspirational stories found on these pages not only feed our spirits, they remind us of our need to nurture the spirits of others. They illustrate the power each of us has to influence the attitudes, actions, and eternal destinies of those around us—”one person at a time, one situation at a time, one interaction at a time.”

We need one another, Booher claims.  The connections we make with the people God places in our lives—friends, family, coworkers, acquaintances, neighbors, strangers—provide us with nourishment, insight, and emotional strength.  In essence, plugging into others powers our souls.

“You’re the same today as you’ll be in five years—except for the people you meet and the books you read,” Dianna quotes a friend.  Make it a point to meet someone new.  And read Well Connected. It will change the way you see the world—and help you reshape it into a place where every individual is valued, respected, and loved.