Publisher: Booher Consultants
Editions: English
Format: Kindle, NOOK Book
Become a Great Conversationalist
by Dianna Booher

Have you ever been to a dinner party where someone drones on and on about every subject to show off his or her in-depth knowledge? Or have you heard someone using complex jargon to try to build rapport as an insider? How about the person who shows a lack of sensitivity about appropriate topics on significant occasions?

In this eBook, executive communications expert Dianna Booher gives you straight talk about how to be the conversationalist that engages rather than enrages. Learn to reframe sensitive issues to present your key point or message in the positive way. Select the best words to deliver bad news or negative feedback without breaking the relationship or destroying morale. Learn the keys to participating in strategic conversations with your peers, boss, and customers so that they see you in a positive light.